Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Hey everyone, i'm demi (short for demetria) haha acting and music are my passions. im homeschooled so i can completely focus on my career. i consider myself very driven in what i do. i've made lots of sacrifices for what i do, only for the reason that i can't live without singing, or without acting. i write most of my music on guitar, and the rest on piano. well, this page is obviously for my music.. and seriously THANK YOUfor just taking time to listen! :) it honestly means alot to me, and i know it sounds completely cheesy haha but knowing that my lyrics, and my voice are being heard by people.. it's just an amazing feeling. i've always loved being on stage and performing.. hopefully one day it can be heard by many more people! :)
anywayy my point is.. add me, message me, tell your friends about me.. i'm still a normal kid just trying to accomplish a dream i've always had.. and trust me, i need all the help i can get in this business! :)

Well, visit my Official xanga Page Demi_Lovato. I am not the only one that goes on this. other people do to. like my bodyguard and my manager. :D Just to make sure im safe! Well please no cursing and thank you! Bye!

Peace out!